Electricity Procurement



Flexible Energy

Keeping costs low in a business is a very crucial part and if your business annual consumption is more than 10Gwh in electricity and 5Gwh in gas, then your business should consider a flexible contract option. A flexible energy contract allows you to spread your energy procurement decisions over a longer period of time, as well as spread some of the associated risks associated with large commercial energy purchases. We at Energyex will guide you through your company's energy needs, and our experts at our optimisation desk will be able to provide you with the best energy solutions.

How Does a Flexible Energy Contract Work?

On the basis of statistical information available for historical half hourly data, your commodity usage, gas or electricity consumption future requirements are estimated and then divided into baseload and peak load volume blocks - or clips for electricity - or tranches for gas, that can be procured monthly, quarterly or on a seasonal basis. This method enables you to purchase energy on multiple occasions throughout the contract term. If you understand when the power price is low, you can take advantage of buying energy for a longer period at a better price when the price is low. This makes you less vulnerable to market fluctuations, when you choose to buy an expensive fixed price contract at a time when the market is experiencing a rise in prices.

Flexible contracts also allow you to not accurately predict your consumption levels, so if you require additional volume, this can be obtained in a number of different ways, depending on the type of contract you choose. The idea is to minimise risk as much as possible and not to be exposed to market volatility.

We are able to provide flexibility of buying options if you are an owner of more than one site and are looking to buy as a group by combining your volume.

A number of contract options are available that offer you the option of passing through third party and industry fees, as a full or partial passthrough with the result that you may select the charges that you wish to be fixed for the term. At Energyex, we provide a direct line to our experts who will provide you with a variety of real time price quotes and market and price setting reports as well as strategic reports. The Flexible Purchasing Program can also be used to purchase together as a consortium or group for joint purchasing to benefit from volume discounts.

It is a traditional approach to flex, according to which your gas or electricity volume is divided into clips or tiers. These can be purchased via a range of options throughout the year. The volume of residual volume can be purchased annually up-front or in the form of a Shape Risk Premium.

Why Flexible Energy Contract?

  • With access to the wholesale power market, your business can take advantage of low energy prices when they occur so you can purchase energy during dips in prices.
  • Flexible contracts allow you to spread the risk of buying energy over a number of blocks and trenches so that you are minimising the risk associated with market volatility.
  • Purchasing for a longer term will still allow you to fix the commodity cost and any unused energy can be bought back by the supplier at an agreed price
  • The benefit of purchasing energy blocks close to the date of use, your business will reduce the risk premiums that are added by the energy suppliers such as fixed contracts.
  • The good news is that you can still fix some or all of the elements of non-commodity charges, saving you money that would otherwise have been spent on non-controllable charges. With our team of experts, we'll teach you some of the best secrets that your business can take advantage of.

It is very important to note that the non-energy charges on your bill are clearly listed so that you will know exactly what you are being charged.

Corporate Energy

Unlike any other large business, electricity bills form a significant portion of the expenses a company incurs on a monthly basis. If you own a large business, you will also have more options when it comes to choosing the most appropriate energy plan for your business. With the help of our Energy Management Plan, we can provide you with a complete guide on how to cut your costs in the least possible time by making small adjustments. Our services will make managing the electricity supply of large businesses easier, and they will be able to save money as a result.

If you are a business owner, you may be aware that finding the best energy deal for your company can be a difficult task. Due to our extensive experience in handling large business energy needs, we are in an excellent position to be able to clearly identify the specific requirements of each individual business. We believe that every business is unique and that is why we offer tailor-made solutions that cater to the needs of large businesses. Energyex understands the complexities of such businesses, which is why we provide bespoke energy solutions tailored to each business's needs. One of many strengths of our organisation is the ability to maintain long-term business relationships with our clients.

There are a number of different contract types that large companies are able to choose from according to their own requirements. 

  • Fixed-Rate Contracts: Businesses have supply agreements that are fixed in price and are usually negotiated on a yearly basis. Because of this, they can be at the mercy of the market's volatility. As a result of our market knowledge, our analysts will use their market knowledge to avoid peaks by carefully planning and forecasting. This will allow you to make an informed decision as to whether to take a longer term contract or to mitigate your risk as much as possible.
  • Full Pass Through Contracts: It is essential to remember that a pass-through energy contract splits your bill in half between the "fixed" power component, which you pay throughout the term of this contract, and these non-commodity costs, which may vary over time. There is an underlying assumption that the supplier passes these non-commodity costs directly to you and the risk that these may rise over time. With a pass-through, you are taking the risk that these non-commodity costs are going to increase.  You are also risking exposure to triad charges. Triads are how the National Grid charges for network (TNUoS) use and are calculated based on each meters average usage. A Triad is a measure of the three-month period between November and December, and is calculated by National Grid. You might see significant increases in your utility costs if you do not actively manage your usage during these triad periods.
  • Partial Pass Through Contracts: There is a great deal of similarity between this type of contract and the Full Pass Through contract. There is, however, a clause in this contract that permits you to fix one or more elements of your contract and leave the rest as a pass through. There are a number of benefits that you can derive from this type of contract including the fact that by merely making a small change in your usage pattern, your business could save a considerable amount of your annual expenditure.

SME Energy

If you are a small business owner, there must be a multitude of daily challenges you must contend with, in order to keep your business profitable, and to grow it. In the same way that you have to be mindful of your other expenses, your energy bills are a major overhead that you need to keep an eye on. Therefore, here are some questions you need to ask yourself. 

Energyex has an expert team of professionals who are experienced in helping small and medium enterprise companies save money on their energy bills. There is no doubt that to keep a business running efficiently, it is essential that every SME business analyses their bills to see whether there are areas where they can save money. It is our intent to work with you to find out exactly what your business requirements are, including understanding minimum acceptable contract terms, time of operations etc. We make use of our knowledge of the industry to provide you with a tailored package together with your knowledge of business needs to guide you toward a profitable decision. The team at Energyex can offer you the same high level of professional service we provide to all of our customers, no matter if your business is large or small, single or multiple sites. Our team will find the best energy contract for your needs, so you can rest assured your energy needs will be met.

Tariffs Available For SME Businesses

  • Fixed Contracts: The plan means that your gas and electricity unit prices will not change for the duration of the contract. A variable rate means your energy price can vary during the plan. It is important to remember that fixed price plans are guaranteed not to change if a price increase is announced by your supplier. Tariffs with fixed rates can offer you security, and are often one of the best deals on the market. The drawback is that fixed deals are usually tied into a minimum of a year and if you want to break free, you will have to pay fees.
  • Variable Contracts: A variable energy tariff refers to a scheme in which the amount you pay per unit of gas and electricity is based on the supplier's discretion. Variable rate contracts are less rigid and you are usually able to get out of a contract with a variable rate without incurring any penalties.

Half-Hourly Energy

It is important to note that half hourly electricity meters or "00" electricity meters are designed to record the total consumption every half hour of the day and night, so that your bills will always be accurate and you only pay for what you use.


The independent half hourly electricity service we offer is extremely competitive, comprehensive, and independent so they will confirm your supply details and offer your energy contract based on the requirements of your business with our panel of half hourly electricity suppliers. 


We are asking them to list the various aspects of the prices and charges that will be applied to your services. It is our aim to clearly illustrate all of our findings and present them in a report that is easy to understand and that compares like-for-like costs, highlighting any additional costs.


In our report, we will make recommendations based on not only pricing, but the overall quality of the supplier's service, support levels, and the type of contract, as well as the length of the contract that we recommend. You can be confident that we are supporting any recommendation by providing you with market price evidence, so you can be assured that you are getting the most competitive and appropriate contract to meet your specific requirements.

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